Your productivity & time management training specialist in Southwest Florida.
Tampa Bay - St. Petersburg - Sarasota - Bradenton - Lakewood Ranch - Ft. Myers 
 Impact Productivity -.941-927-6858
 Get Control & Get More Done

If you’re ready for time management training that helps you leverage your tools with less stress in your workday, Info-Excellence training seminars can help.
Designed by the authors of best selling email efficiency book -- The Hamster Revolution: How to Manage Your Email Before It Manages You, Info-Excellence training is engaging, interactive, and proven to have immediate impact.

Get Control Training Modules to Fit Your Needs

Get time management training for the way you work today.  Start getting better results tomorrow.
      Take the first step towards working smarter - contact us now.  
Update your time management training to fit the way you work today.

Then say goodbye to email overload, chronic interruptions, forgotten tasks and disorganized information.
Win the Day, Leave Work Satisfied

  • Are you spending too much energy just trying to keep up with whatever comes at you?  

  • Could you get more done if you knew how to manage your time and take control of your technology? 
"I have already heard so many positive comments about your presentation....

For myself, I have given a lot of thought to the idea of multi-tasking, and have made a point of NOT doing it. 

What a difference it makes to focus on the task at hand!”

--Leigh Byer, 
Cypress Lake Middle School, Ft. Myers, FL

Woman Driving a Stick Shift